Monday, June 11, 2012

Weekend Update!

I think I have a serious case of the Monday Blues today.  I had such a great weekend, I didn't want it to end.  I didn't realize I don't know my log in info for the blog because it automatically comes up on my work computer, so I didn't get to post daily over the weekend like I was supposed too, so this post will cover the entire weekend.  I also failed my Juneathon challenge and didn't do any running or walking at all yesterday other than a long walk through the new Whole Foods with my mom.  I think it had to have been a mile or two all said and done, but I'm not going to count it... 

Friday - Friday night would have been a day off, so I set out to do just a mile.  Tyler was home and I figured he could handle a mile, so he put on his Vans (we have since purchased some running shoes for him), we packed up Kenley in the stroller and we set out for a quick mile.  We ran it in 8mins 50seconds which I personally think is pretty darn good for a 15 year old kiddo who never runs.  I think I'll take him on my mile runs a few more times and in no time he'll be ready for a 3 miler!  Yay for new running buddies, especially when they are your kiddos!

Saturday - Really was unmotivated to be productive this weekend and Saturday was a busy day for me.  Got up early to go get a hair cut, came home and left again to go meet my fabulous friend Shana and her super sweet daughter Maranda for lunch at Macaroni Grill and then browsed through Hobby Lobby.  After I got home I felt like we needed to do something active, so we packed up the babe in her stroller and hooked up the kiddy trailer to the bike and off we went for a 1.6 mile walk to the grocery store, did our shopping, packed the kid back up and the groceries and walked home.  Saturday night Jason and I had the house to ourselves (with the acception of our adorable 21 month old) so we bbq'd up some steak and veggie skewers and just relaxed on the couch with a good bottle of wine..  That's my kind of Saturday!

Sunday - Jason got up and went to play soccer, and all the big kiddos were gone, so it was just doods and I and she can't sit in the stroller longer than a mile run, so I opted to stay in my PJ's and catch up on my reality TV instead of being active - BAD ME!  I can't tell a lie though, it was pretty nice!  Jason came home and we did get up and shower and get dressed, but by that time it was nap time for the little one, so I went to have lunch with my parents and after lunch, mom and I decided to check out Whole Foods.  I LOVE that store, they have such fun ideas!  After my outing I should have done something productive, but the sun was out so instead I drug all of Kenleys toys out to the deck, grabbed a few magazines and a cold beer and relaxed and played in the sun for a few hours..  It was AWESOME!  We ended the night with a great dinner that included more steak, bacon wrapped hot dogs and clams wiht melted butter!!  Fun dinner on the deck!

I know I really slacked this weekend and after running every day last week, I hope I didn't ruin my stamina, but I'm super excited for my date tonight with Christine, Green Lake and dinner, can't wait and am more than ready to get out again for a good long run!!  Happy Monday Everyone!

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